January is a great time to review your finances and make sure you're on the right track. The most important thing to do is know what you owe, the balances, and the interest rate you're paying. I'm not going to list a bunch of websites, because there are a ton of them out there, but Dave Ramsey is my hero. Most people have heard of him by now but if not, you can find videos of him on Youtube and also view his website at www.daveramsey.com. Sometimes, after you get all your debt listed it's quite a shock. Don't give up. First and foremost is to save $1,000.00 up as quickly as possible for emergencies and then everything else gets thrown toward your debt, paying off the smallest debt first with as much money on it as you can afford, and continue to make the minimum payments on your other bills. When the first one is paid off, you take the payment money you now have from the paid off debt and apply it to the next largest one and so on. I have a great spreadsheet for you to use but I can't get it to post here, so if you'd like a copy, let me know and I'll email it to you. I have a great spreadsheet for you to use but I can't get it to post here, so if you'd like a copy, let me know and I'll email it to you. It's a super simple one to use. Then get motivated and get those debts paid off so your money can work for you instead of for someone else.