

Saturday, December 15, 2012

A More Effective Elf on the Shelf

When I first heard the story of the Elf on the Shelf my kids were already grown and gone.  I'm still hoping my grand kids will get an elf of their own soon.  Maybe my kids think their kids might be a bit freaked out about an elf keeping watch over them because none of them have acquired one yet.

I love seeing all the mischief these elves get into from the pictures that families are pinning about their own elves on Pinterest and I'll even admit I have my own board set up on Pinterest just for Elf on the Shelf pins.  The funniest picture I've seen so far showed up on my daughters Facebook wall Friday night.  Evidentally, someone needed a more effective Elf this year.  I'm not certain where this Elf on the Shelf came from or what model he is or even whose family he belongs to but I wanted to share it.  Maybe you'll think it's as hilarious as I do.  I believe it was originally posted on Facebook by Ami Clark Gibson so it maybe this is their elf.

Monday, December 10, 2012

Super Easy Cranberry Walnut Pie

Want to make an easy pie?  This Cranberry Walnut Pie doesn't have very many ingredients and comes out perfectly every time.  It's tart and sweet and it's one of my favorites.  Plus, you don't spend a lot of time in the kitchen.

Just place the cranberries and walnuts in a pie shell....

Sprinkle the brown sugar over the top.... 

Mix together in a bowl the flour, one egg, the sugar and the melted butter..... 

Pour the mixture over the pie...... 

Spread it around toward the edges...... 
And bake in a 350 degree oven for 45 - 50 minutes.....  

Saturday, November 17, 2012

Fresh Cranberry Relish

Thanksgiving is just about here and I was looking for a new recipe for Cranberry Relish Salad to try this year on Pinterest but I couldn't find any I liked so decided to post the one my mom always made.  I've made it every Thanksgiving since I've been cooking it so maybe I shouldn't try to look for a new recipe and just think of this one as a family tradition.

Fresh Cranberry Relish

1 package (3 oz.) raspberry jello
1 cup boiling water
1 cup cold water
1 package (12 oz.) fresh cranberries, ground
1 cup chopped apple
1/4 cup chopped walnut
1 cup orange rind (or use whole orange)
3 tablespoons sugar

In bowl dissolve jello with boiling water, add cold water.  Chill until it begins to thicken.  Grind cranberries, orange rind, chop apple.  Stir in sugar and chopped nuts.  Add to thickened jello.  Spoon into mold or pretty dish.  Chill until set.

Makes 1 quart        Serves 12

Thursday, August 2, 2012

The Drought in Indiana

This drought is making me sad.  I should be canning tomatoes at this time of year.  Instead, I'm coaxing only a few vegetables out of the garden at a time.  Just about enough to put in a salad for lunch.  What are you doing to survive the heat and conserve water?  I've taken to plugging up the bathtub when I shower in the morning and then using the water in the evening to water some trees and grass outside and houseplants inside.  So far, they seem to be doing fine.  I haven't seen any damage from the soap or shampoo yet.  I also practice 'If's yellow, let it mellow.....If it's brown, flush it down.'  But then I try to only use the bathroom in my bedroom so people aren't grossed out if they stop by unexpectedly.

Prices for groceries are going to go up since the corn is in such bad shape.  We've already stocked up on chicken feed for our chickens, fully expecting the price per bag will go up soon.  We are down about 10 inches of rain in the Indianapolis area.  It's going to take a lot of rain before we can catch up.